Social Media Marketing
Custom Promotional Video

Need a Custom Promotional Video for you to run on your Website, Social Pages, and similarly other online listing companies? Do you want to showcase why doing business with you is the right choice? Similarly, do you have a special event that you want a Custom Promotional Video created to document a legacy? For instance, you might want to showcase your event at your business or ahead of the event? For instance, you might want a Custom Promotional Video as a marketing tool to get your potential clients interested in attending your event? Check out our client videos and then give us a call.
Examples of our video's
Custom Promotional Video Production
We also shoot Custom Promotional Videos that are not necessarily produced online. Your Actualized Visions produces Custom Promotional Video content that can be used in an ever growing range of platforms not just on websites. Your Actualized Visions can produce a professional quality Custom Promotional Video to meet your branding and marketing needs.
Custom Promotional Video On Demand
Promotional Videos On Demand (VOD) and Audio and Video On Demand (AVOD) this allows our viewers to select and watch/listen to video or audio content when they choose to. Watch when it's convenient! Your potential clients are busy, rather than having to watch at a specific broadcast time, they can watch on your website when they are ready! Even though we would love for you to watch our live shows we understand and love VOD. Did you miss a show? Don’t worry you can get it on demand later. To watch a show on demand click the “Shows on Demand” tab at the top of the website. We make it affordable and professional.
Want to see some of the Custom Promotional Video's that we have created? Check out our client testimonials, call any of them to see what it's like working with Your Actualized Visions creative staff and then call us with your Promotional Video idea.
Promotional Landing Pages

Professional Landing pages are great for sending your clients to a specific part of your website. Promotional Landing Pages highlight a specific product or service and entice your viewers to purchase. That is the first part of the equation. Therefore having them land on the exact page they were looking for is the second. Similarly sending potential clients to the home page of your website and letting them hunt around is a sure fire way to get them to bounce right off your website!
If I type in XYZ in the search engines I don't want to see stuff about ABC's! I am immediately irritated! Similarly, if I have to start searching for what I was looking for, forget it! We make sure you have Promotional Landing Pages as part of your marketing strategy! You only have seconds, not minutes to attract and then keep them.
You want to send your potential clients to the correct page! That, of course, is what the game is all about. EXACTLY what they typed into the search engines is exactly what they should see! You don't want to make the mistake of spending money on SEO and wasting that money when they don't see what they searched for.
Competitive Landscape Report
In other words, this is why Landing Pages are so important. Landing Page definition. If you know you need to add this to your marketing plan, then it's time to give our creative department a call and get started. [email protected] Feel free to contact our clients here: testimonial page.
Need your entire website evaluated? We have a wonderful free Competitive Landscape Report that you can order. This report is on you and your top three competitors. This report will show you what improvements you can make to improve your competitiveness. Order yours here now. Competitive Landscape Report
QR Code Marketing and Development
Adding QR Code Marketing and Development to your marketing material is a good idea. However, this is a technology that never really took off. For those of us who know how to use it, it's wonderful. You do see it making a little bit of a new surge since companies like Venmo are making it popular again. If you have been to your local nail salon and noticed they are taking tips via Venmo, you will notice all you have to do is open your Venmo and scan their QR code and boom away your transaction goes! It's great.
What can QR Code Marketing do for me?
For instance, you can have your QR Code Marketing and Development direct people straight to your website or straight to a scheduling app! We can create your QR Code Marketing for your marketing material. Whether it takes a huge surge because of apps like Venmo or if it stays just for the geek community like us. Which brings up a very good point. If you are going to be at a tech event, it's a pretty good bet that they will know what it is and how to use it! It serves a purpose.
Want to drive more traffic to your website when you are at trade shows?
QR Code Marketing and Development could help you obtain this goal. Put your QR code on all your marketing material. Similarly, have an easy and free reader instructions handy to show attendees how to use it. Consider it if you are sending potential clients to your website or asking them to enter your drawing. We can develop and add your QR Code to all your marketing material for you. Want to know how to use them for your own scanning purposes? Here is an article on it QR Code readers and how to use them. Give us a call and we can meet with you to discuss yours!

Email Marketing Campaigns

Email Marketing Campaigns: Do you capture emails from clients and potential clients and then never do anything with them? Why? Email marketing campaigns are an excellent way to stay in touch with your clients/potential clients. However, laws have made this difficult in one way. You are not able to just email random people. You have to have those emails come to you by an email capture system that your email owners opt into.
Therefore, if you don't have your clients/potential clients permission or similarly you don't have any emails in the first place, we can help you here too. Creating an email capture opt-in campaign on your website and even on your social media that can really help you promote your business.
In other words, after you have a good verified list, it's time to market to those potential clients. Do you have several different products or services? Then you should have different email marketing lists to send to. You should have several different marketing lists. In other words, if you sell vegetable, plants, and cooking utensils, then you would have three marketing lists. Sending emails that don't pertain to the particular client, causes that client to stop reading your emails. You want to be very focused and deliberate with your emails. Get to the point and talk to them about things they are already interested in.
Who should you have on an Email Marketing List?
How do you know what they are interested in? They told you when they bought from you! Or they signed up at events that you were at. Perhaps they signed up from an article or blog that was about a certain subject. If they signed up at a cooking demo where you were selling your pots and pans, then that is what they are interested in not plants! Now, this doesn't mean you can't have a link to other products you have, but don't send an entire email about plants! You don't know yet that they have any interest at all!
Want to see some examples we have created for our clients?
Check them out here.